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    Book Releases: 2020 Books With Non-Cis Protagonists

    I told you about all the YA upcoming books of the first half of the year & today I’m here to tell you about all the 2020 books with non-cis protagonists. As the title implies, this list is compiled of books with main characters who are trans or non-binary, or both, or genderfluid… Everyone who is not cis.

    I want to make three things clear:

    1) this is a list of all the books I know of at the moment which is not to say it’s a list of all the books in existence;

    2) I decided to include love interests as well, since they usually play a pretty major role in the story, but not other side characters;

    3) I’m marking with a 🌈 emoji books written by LGBT authors – please correct me, if I got something wrong.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: January 2020 (II)

    Not that I completely forgot I had to do this post, but I maybe completely forgot I had to do this post. But no matter! I’m just in time.

    The first part of January brought us an influx of amazing releases (check them out here), and the second part continues with that. I know I said that there were 45 books out this month, but I have since found several more and that number is closer to 70 now (and, of course, we missed the release date of a few, so get ready for a massive post at the end of the year again).

    But anyway, take a peek at what’s in store!

    And as ever, all our previous posts are here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: LGBT YA Books of January-June 2020

    If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you might be aware that I (Anna) tend to read YA literature. Well, not exclusively, but I sure enjoy it a lot. So for me to make a post solely about YA releases was really just a matter of time…

    There are about 100 books listed here, getting publish from Janury to June 2020. Hopefully I didn’t miss anything but as a disclaimer: this is a list of all LGBT YA upcoming books I know about today. For books out between July and December 2020, head over here.

    The books are divided by publication month and each has the rep listed (in as detailed way, as we were able to find out). Books by LGBT authors also have a rainbow emoji next to them.

    Related: LGBT YA books of January-June 2021 & of 2019
  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: All The 2019 Releases We Heard About Too Late

    A good few times this year, I turned to Anna or Anna turned to me (metaphorically because we are some 1,000 miles away from one another in real life) and said hey look I found another book we missed off our list! Because there are several many books we either didn’t hear about in time (sad) or didn’t know were gay at all (even sadder).

    So, because we want to promote ALL the LGBT books we possibly can, we started this post. All the LGBT books we didn’t hear about in time to add to our monthly releases list (and, if you thought we had some long monthly releases lists, you haven’t seen anything yet).

    Undoubtedly, there are still more we’ve missed off, even after all this, but here are the 158 books that we didn’t get the first time round.

    But before we start, just for you all, have a list of


  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: January 2020 (I)

    It’s a new year, and a new list of releases to crack on with. We have, so far, amassed over 350 upcoming books for 2020. And of those, 45 are out in January (that we currently know of, because undoubtedly we’ll find we missed some out eventually).

    So, as an early Christmas present, here are the first two weeks of January releases!

    As ever, all our previous posts are here.

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    Book Releases: December 2019

    December is not a good month for LGBT books: there are only 27 on this list. If you remember, there were months this year with over 70 releases… But then, people are busy celebrating holidays and planning books for next year! And the December books are still amazing, anyway! So let’s check them out!

    Real quick before we start, for your convenience:

    all our posts about LGBT books that came out in past months
  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: October 2019 (II)

    I’m here to bring you the rest of October’s LGBT releases! Part One covered the first eight days of the month and can be found here. There’s definitely a lot to look forward to! Especially if you’re an SFF fan who likes to read about girls falling in love…

    And as always, in case you’re here for the first time:

    all our posts about LGBT books that came out in past months
  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: October 2019 (I)

    As almost every month this year, the list of LGBT releases is too long to put in one post and overwhelm you guys. Which is why today I only listed books coming out between October 1st and 8th. Eight days and twenty five (25) books of so many different genres, y’all are bound to find a new favourite!

    Just in case you’re here for the first time:

    all our posts about LGBT books that came out in recent months

    So without any further ado!

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    Book Releases: September 2019 (I)

    After a couple of more relaxed months in terms of releases, September brings us 60 alone. Some of our most anticipated releases are out this month (*cough cough* lesbian necromancers *cough cough*), and we are just as excited get to them as undoubtedly you are too.

    So, in the interests of not rambling too much, let’s get into it!

    (And, as ever, you can find all our previous release lists here.)

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: August 2019

    The summer ends slowly but the LGBT books never stop coming your way! Granted, this month we will share only 35 titles… And yes, I can use the word “only” because, as I’m sure you remember, there were months this year with way more than forty releases.

    Feel free to check what you have missed, if you’re here for the first time:

    all our posts about LGBT books that came out in recent months

    And now, let’s just get into (gender politics) it, let’s see what gems August has in store!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: July 2019

    After the massive months of releases that were April, May and June, July is a little more chill with all that. There are only (lol) 29 releases that we know about this month (but, undoubtedly, more we don’t know about. As much as we may like to pretend, we’re not omniscient). But they are 29 excellent releases!

    Also, a little note before we continue: after the whole debacle earlier in the month with a certain book misgendering its mc in the blurb, we’ve decided we need a little policy in dealing with books that are, unfortunately, a mess (when we’ve heard something of course). Because we would rather warn you about some things than have you go in totally unawares, we’re still planning on including them in the list, but noting where we’ve seen or heard something less than great. On the off chance it’s a real shitshow, then we won’t include it, but may make a note so you know we’re aware of it and may yourself become aware also.

    But anyway, on with the list!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: June 2019 (II)

    Quick heads-up, please remember that this is only one part of books coming out this Pride – my previous post, covering the first few days of the month, is here. So check that one out as well if you haven’t yet!

    And you can always see what past releases you might have missed – here are all our posts about LGBT books that came out recently.

    Honestly, though! Can you think of a better way to celebrate Pride, than publishing so many wonderful books? Yeah, me neither.

    So check out what more June has in store for us!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: June 2019 (I)

    We are almost halfway through the year and Pride Month is upon us! Can you guys believe how fast the time flew? I can’t, especially with all the changes in my life lately (I moved into my own flat!).

    We found forty two (42) nicely looking LGBT books coming out in June. Not as many as in May, but still a big number, right? Actually, our whole list for this year is nearly four hundreds titles long… Please don’t ever tell me you can’t find gay shit to read.

    I’m only covering the first few days of June today, the rest will have to wait for the second post! And yes, there are enough books coming out in a less than a week for me to make a list of them. I know, sounds like a dream to me, too.

    Also a little tidbit, maybe of interest to some of you: there are 13 sapphic (in any capacity) books on today’s list.

    Let’s dive in!