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Book Releases: 2024 Books With Non-Cis Protagonists

It’s been years of this, so you already know: there are only books with major trans rep here, which is to say with main characters or love interests (or actually important side characters). I like to think that choice is self-explanatory. (And as always, if you catch any mistakes, please leave a comment!)

Also, a lot of those titles are (or will be) available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

Head Over Heelflip by Sander Santiago (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
Secret Sex ed. by Russell Smith (trans & gay rep)
God of River Mud by Vic Sizemore (sapphic mc, transmasc mc)
Analyzing the Prescotts by Dawn Reno Langley (transfem mc)
Just Happy to Be Here by Naomi Kanakia (Indian American sapphic transfem mc, f/f relationship)
The Mage’s Secret by Ami Spencer (f/nb relationship)
The Cure for Drowning by Loghan Paylor (transmasc nonbinary mc, queer mc, nb/f relationship)
Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa (gay transmasc mc, gay li, m/m relationship)
Night of the Living Zed by Basil Sylvester & Kevin Sylvester (nonbinary mc)
Imago: A Dystopian Gothic by Matthew Zakharuk (agender transmasc butch lesbian mc, transmasc nonbinary lesbian li, nb/nb relationship, side f/f relationship)
The Neighbors by Jude Ellison S. Doyle & Letizia Cadonici (transmasc mc, m/f relationship)
Eye of a Little God by A. J. Steiger (nonbinary mc)
Blackjack + Moonshine by Sirius (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
Firebugs by Nino Bulling (nonbinary mc, nb/f relationship)
Daniel, Deconstructed by James Ramos (Black Latino autistic achillean mc, nonbinary li, m/nb relationship)
Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender (transmasc mc, genderfluid mc, polyamory)
The Fights That Make Us by Sarah Hagger-Holt (nonbinary mc)
King Bro! by Jenny Jägerfeld, trans. B.J. Woodstein (transmasc mcs)

For the Stolen Fates by Gwendolyn Clare (pan mc, transfem lesbian mc)
The Diablo’s Curse by Gabe Cole Novoa (genderfluid mc)
What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher (nonbinary mc)
Power to Yield and Other Stories by Bogi Takács (nonbinary mc, lgbt cast)
Sons, Daughters by Ivana Bodrožić (transmasc mc)
Some Strange Music Draws Me In by Griffin Hansbury (transmasc mc, transfem character)
Really Cute People by Markus Harwood-Jones (nonbinary mc, nb/m/f relationship)
The Baker and the Bard by Fern Haught (nonbinary mc)
Be the Sea by Clara Ward (nonbinary mc)
The Flying Ship by Jem Milton (sapphic mc, Black gay mc, trans mc)
The Feast Makers by august clarke (nonbinary butch lesbian mc, Black sapphic character, Chinese American bi character, femme lesbian character, achillean nonbinary side character, achillean side characters)
The Poisons We Drink by Bethany Baptiste (Black bi mc, Black pan nonbinary li, f/nb relationship)
The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo (transmasc mc, trans li)
Bad Habit by Alana S. Portero, trans. by Mara Faye Lethem (transfem mc)
What Grows in the Dark by Jaq Evans (queer nonbinary mc)
The Lumbering Giants of Windy Pines by Mo Netz (nonbinary wheelchair user mc)
The Mars House by Natasha Pulley (achillean mc, agender li, agender society)
These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart by Izzy Wasserstein (transfem mc)

Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis (lesbian, bi/pan & nonbinary mcs)
Food School by Jade Armstrong (nonbinary mc)
The Prospects by KT Hoffman (Jewish Romanian American trans gay mc with ADHD & anxiety, Mexican American gay li with anxiety & nerve damage, lesbian, gay & bi side characters)
Punk Rock Karaoke by Bianca Xunise (nonbinary mc)
Out of Blue Comes Green by M. E. Corey (transmasc mc, m/f relationship)
Marley’s Pride by Joëlle Retener & DeAnn Wiley (nonbinary mc)
The Faithful Dark by Cate Baumer (transmasc li, m/f relationship, bi mc)
Otherworldly by F. T. Lukens (nonbinary li, m/nb relationship)
A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest by Charlie J. Stephens (nonbinary mc)
Curiosities by Anne Fleming (transmasc mc)
Withered by A. G. A. Wilmot (nonbinary mc)
All Things Seen and Unseen by RJ McDaniel (chronically ill nonbinary mc)
Court of Wanderers by Rin Chupeco (nonbinary bi mc, bi mcs, nb/m/f relationship)
DeadEndia: The Divine Order by Hamish Steele (nonbinary mc)
In Universes by Emet North (nonbinary mc, sapphic li, nb/f relationship)
Shae by Mesha Maren (transfem mc)
I’m a Fool to Want You by Camila Sosa Villada, trans. by Kit Maude (transfem mcs)
Channel Surfing in the Sea of Happiness by Guy Babineau (transfem mc, lgbt cast)

In Repair by A. L. Graziadei (nonbinary li)
Becoming Who We Are ed. by Sammy Lisel & Hazel Newlevant (trans & nonbinary mcs)
Linus and Etta Could Use a Win by Caroline Huntoon (transmasc mc)
Upstaged by Robin Easter (nonbinary mc)
Gooseberry by Robin Gow (nonbinary mc)
The Rainbow Parade by Shane Jordan, Rick Hendrix & Jieting Chen (nonbinary mc)
The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo (nonbinary mc)
A Bone in His Teeth by Kellen Grave (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
The Witches of Silverlake by Simon Curtis (achillean mcs, Black sapphic mc, Indian transfem mc, Mexican Puerto Rican bi mc)
Flyboy by Kasey LeBlanc (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
Have You Seen This Girl by Nita Tyndall (nonbinary mc, nb/f relationship)
Puzzleheart by Jenn Reese (nonbinary mc)
Escape Velocity by Victor Manibo (achillean mcs, transfem mc)
The Bound Worlds by Megan O’Keefe (bi transmasc mc, m/f relationship)
Something to be Proud Of by Anna Zoe Quirke (autistic nonbinary bi mc, nb/f relationship, gay mc)
Camp Prodigy by Caroline Palmer (nonbinary mcs)
Asking for a Friend by Ronnie Riley (ace nonbinary mc)
Vera Bushwack by Sig Burwash (nonbinary mc)

Ballad for Jasmine Town by Molly Ringle (bi mc, transmasc mc, f/m relationship)
A Shore Thing by Joanna Lowell (transmasc mc, m/f relationship)
The Lions’ Den by Iris Mwanza (transfem mc)
Cigarette Lemonade by Connor de Bruler (transfem mc)
Nothing But the Truth by Robyn Gigl (transfem mc)
From Sweetgrass Bridge by Anthony Bidulka (transfem mc)
Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin (trans mc, lgbt cast)
The Science of Ghosts by Lilah Sturges, El Garing & Alitha Martinez (transfem sapphic mc)
Lockjaw by Matteo L. Cerilli (trans mcs)
Unexploded Remnants by Elaine Gallagher (transfem mc)
Yoke of Stars by R. B. Lemberg (nonbinary mc)
Time and Time Again by Chatham Greenfield (disabled lesbian mc, disabled nonbinary lesbian mc, f/nb relationship)
The Pairing by Casey McQuiston (nonbinary bi mc with ADHD, bi mc, nb/m relationship)
A/S/L by Jeanne Thornton (transfem mcs)
Yr Dead by Sam Sax (Jewish queer nonbinary mc)
We Are the Medicine by Tasha Spillett & Natasha Donovan (Two-Spirit mc)
Mistress of Lies by K. M. Enright (transmasc li, polyamory)
The Palace of Eros by Caro De Robertis (nonbinary li, f/nb relationship)

A Midnight So Deadly by Wren Handman (pan mc, ace nonbinary mc)
Rules for Ghosting by Shelly Jay Shore (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
Come Out, Come Out by Natalie C. Parker (sapphic transfem mcs)
Key Lime Sky by Al Hess (autistic nonbinary mc)
Still Life by Katherine Packert Burke (transfem mc, sapphic side character)
They Thought They Buried Us by NoNieqa Ramos (Boricua queer nonbinary mc)
Celestial Monsters by Aiden Thomas (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
Scrimshaw by Ethan M. Aldridge (nonbinary mc)
Splinter & Ash by Marieke Nijkamp (nonbinary mc)
Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White (autistic transmasc mc)
Lucy, Uncensored by Mel & Teghan Hammond (transfem mc)
Robin’s Worlds by Rainie Oet & Mathias Ball (nonbinary mc)
I Shall Never Fall in Love by Hari Conner (nonbinary mc, nb/f relationship)
Sorel by Sacha Lamb (genderqueer lesbian mc)
Red in Tooth and Claw by Lish McBride (genderfluid mc)
Rise of the Wrecking Crew by Kalynn Bayron (nonbinary mc)
A Wild and Ruined Song by Ashley Shuttleworth (lesbian mc with depression, pan mc, gay mc, bi mc, genderfluid mc)
Displeasure Island by Alice Bell (nonbinary mc, gay mc)
Schizotopia by Andy Siege (trans mc)
The Survivor Stands by Aimee Donnellan (sapphic mc, transfem mc, nonbinary mc)
If We Were Stars by Eule Grey (pan nonbinary mcs, nb/nb)
Old Wounds by Logan-Ashley Kisner (bi transfem mc, bi transmasc mc, f/m)
Disobedience by Daniel Sarah Karasik (nonbinary transfem mc)
The Ghost of You by Michael Gray Bulla (transmasc mc)
The Girls of Skylark Lane by Robin Benway (transfem mc)
Failure to Comply by Cavar (trans mcs)
Sir Callie and the Witch’s War by Esme Symes-Smith (nonbinary mc, bi dad)
Dulhaniyaa by Talia Bhatt (lesbian mc, sapphic transfem li, f/f)

A Game of Noctis by Deva Fagan (trans character, m/m parents)
Love the World or Get Killed Trying by Alvina Chamberland (transfem mc)
Bad Dream: A Dreamer Story by Nicole Maines & Rye Hickman (transfem mc)
Girlmode by Magdalene Visaggio & Paulina Ganucheau (transfem mc)
Open Secrets by Jack Ori (nonbinary mc, nb/m relationship)
The Last Gifts of the Universe by Rory August (nonbinary mc)
The Default World by Naomi Kanakia (transfem mc)
The Potion Gardener by Arden Powell (transmasc nonbinary mc, butch sapphic li, nb/f relationship)
The Sapling Cage by Margaret Killjoy (transfem mc)
Reclaimed by Seth Haddon (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
All the World Beside by Garrard Conley (m/m, transfem mc)
Mallory in Full Color by Elisa Stone Leahy (f/nb relationship, lesbian side character)
Lowest Common Denominator by Pirkko Saisio, trans. by Mia Spangenberg (transmasc mc?)
The Ballad of Robin and King Richard by Artúr Faye (transmasc mc)
Emmy Star is So Everything by Daniel Tawse (nonbinary bi mc)
The White Guy Dies First ed. by Terry J. Benton-Walker (Iranian American nonbinary mc, Black sapphic mc, Native American nonbinary mc)
Tehrangeles by Porochista Khakpour (Iranian American queer nonbinary mc)
A Song for Nolan by Rushie Ellenwood & Sally Chen (nonbinary mc)
Out of the Drowning Deep by A. C. Wise (nonbinary mc)
Come Out, Come Out by Natalie C. Parker (lesbian mc, genderfluid mc)
Please Fear Me by Jennifer Love (transfem mc)
The Flicker by H.E. Edgmon (nonbinary mc)
Sargassa by Sophie Burnham (m/nb relationship, f/f relationship)
You Can’t Go Home Again by Jeanette Bears (f/nb relationship)
A Curse for Samhain by Dahlia Donovan (genderfluid autistic mc, gf/f relationship)
Visions by Cheryl Rainfield (lesbian mc, nonbinary lesbian mc)
This World is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa (Black agender lesbian mc, Asian bisexual mc, aroace mc)
A Designer Magick by Fox N. Locke (bi mc, lesbian mc, f/f relationship, nonbinary ace mc, gay trans mc, ace mc)
Love Cake by Douglas Bell (transfem li, f/m relationship, Black gay side character)
Ardent Violet and the Infinite Eye by Alex White (nonbinary mc, nb/m relationship)
Neca by Amara Moira (transfem mc)
Yellow Barks Spider by Harlan Burns (transfem mc)
The Anonymous Letters of C Forestier by Felicia Davin (bi mc, bigender bi mc)
Cascade Failures by L. M. Sagas (nonbinary mc)
Teleportation and Other Luxuries by Archie Bongiovanni, Mary Verhoeven & Lucas Gattoni (nonbinary mc, transfem mc)

Please note, this list excludes titles from St. Martin’s Press and its imprint, Wednesday Books. This is because SMP are subject to a boycott due to anti-Palestinian racism from one of their employees, and their own subsequent inaction to counter it. Until the point that they take action, we will not be including their titles on our lists (or, in the event that we have inadvertently done so, we will be flagging those titles) as part of the boycott. For more detail info, head to Readers for Accountability.

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