This post could have a lot of different titles, to be frank: gay romances, gay melodramas… But really, it’s just a compilation of movies with gay love at their centre. Hence the title I actually settled on. (And of course, achillean as the more inclusive term, since there’s a few bi characters or ones who don’t really use labels.)
The first movie I thought of for this rec list was Moonlight, so that should tell you all you need to know about it.

God’s Own Country (2017)

dir. Francis Lee
Rep: gay mcs
Why Should I Watch It?
Can we call this movie a classic yet? Well, it is one in my own personal canon, and that’s what truly matters. In any case, it’s a quiet type of movie, one where there are no exciting turns of events (it’s going to be a common thread in this rec list), but one where nonetheless a lot happens emotionally. The characters grow thanks to their love.

The Strong Ones (2019)

dir. Omar Zúñiga Hidalgo
Rep: Chilean cast, gay mcs
Why Should I Watch It?
It’s more bittersweet; it gives us a lot of wonderful moments, very warm & charming. The scene where the guys dance together in a kitchen, as if no one else exist in the world? Iconic. And depending on what you hold most dear to your heart, the ending might even be a happy one.

Great Freedom (2021)

dir. Sebastian Meise
Rep: German cast & setting, gay mcs
TW: homophobia
Why Should I Watch It?
First of all, Franz Rogowski is mesmerising in this movie. And it’s the kind of movie that had to be made, because we have to talk about our history, even if so much of it is tragic & quite literally drenched in blood. And yet, always, there’s some spark of hope in us. I remember I read once a quote from an American gay man in 1960s’ who said he can’t wait for the easier times when “the bare truth will prevail”, and this is what this movie feels like to me.

Dear Ex (2018)

dir. Mag Hsu & Chih-yen Hsu
Rep: Taiwanese cast & setting, gay mc & li
Why Should I Watch It?
Yes, you will cry. Let’s get that out of the way. But those tears will come from a place of love. And yeah, most of the love story here we get from memories, but life happens. And there’s still something absolutely magical about it.

Cicada (2020)

dir. Kieran Mulcare & Matthew Fifer
Rep: Black gay mc, bi mc
TW: past child sexual abuse, racism
Why Should I Watch It?
A delicate type of movie, despite the heavy topics it talks about. But it talks about them with soft words, shows them to us with loving hands. It’s as much about navigating the world as a victim of trauma, as it is a gentle love story.

And Then We Danced (2019)

dir. Levan Akin
Rep: Georgian cast & setting, gay mc, achillean li, side achillean characters
Why Should I Watch It?
Beautiful, both thematically and visually. Georgian traditional dance will take your breath away. The movie manages to be tragic but also very hopeful. It’s not a fairy tale of a love story, but it is one that will stay with you.

Elephant (2022)

dir. Kamil Krawczycki
Rep: Polish cast & setting, gay mcs
Why Should I Watch It?
It’s probably kind of rude of me to rec you an indie Polish movie, but listen! I have no choice. It’s a happy gay movie from my country, made by gay people! It’s simple and maybe you won’t see a lot of surprises here, but who says love can’t just feel familiar.

Rurangi (2020)

dir. Max Currie
Rep: gay trans mc, West Asian New Zealander achillean li, Māori bi mc
Why Should I Watch It?
It’s a movie about restoring connections, about how no bridge can be truly ever burned. It’s highly emotional, but never just for the sake of it, never without also giving hope. And it also shows different kinds of love, not only the romantic love.

Weekend (2011)

dir. Andrew Haigh
Rep: gay mcs
TW: homophobia
Why Should I Watch It?
An older movie, but still it doesn’t really feel dated. It’s a love story about a relationship that no one was expecting or looking for, but in the end it was the one that was needed. It’s a very gentle relationship, one that will require work and patience, but that will surely flourish.

Twilight’s Kiss (2019)

dir. Ray Yeung
Rep: Hong Kongese cast & setting, gay mc & li, gay side characters
TW: homophobia, internalised homophobia
Why Should I Watch It?
Movies about older gay people always hit the hardest. It’s true here as well. The movie doesn’t shy away from the fact that older people still feel desire, that they still yearn for love they were denied their whole lives.

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