
Author Interview: Isabella Hunter

It’s Friday, it’s the end of the week (for some…), which means it’s time to meet the author you’re going to spend the weekend bingeing! Trust me. But don’t just take my word for it (although it’s good if you do), take hers as well! Let this interview convince you.

Don’t forget, too, that you can follow Isabella on twitter.

Have you always known you wanted to be a writer? How old were you when you wrote your first story?

I actually struggled with reading and writing for a large part of my childhood. It wasn’t until I hit ten that I started reading, and with that came my love for writing. I would write stories at home and have my dad print them out to take in for my teacher. They got a bit worried because I was only writing horror and called my parents in for a chat. I was worried but my parents said they were proud of me. I’m lucky in that regard because my family have always been supportive of my writing.

What are your favourite genres to read and write, and are there any genres or tropes you wouldn’t write?

I’ve mainly written and published fantasy and horror. I love all things supernatural and magical. I used to say I’d never write romance but I recently published my first queer romance short, over on Sapphic Writers, and now have two romance heavy novels in the works. The one thing I doubt I’ll ever write is lit fic, I don’t think I have it in me.

When you close your eyes and imagine an apple, what do you see? An actual apple, a sketch of one, a blackness? Do you think that impacts your writing process?

I see an actual apple. I didn’t realise other people didn’t until it started going around social media. I don’t think it is a necessity for writing. I think people can have a vivid imagination and be a great story-teller without it being image based. In fact, I find I act out parts of my story rather than just imagine them as it helps me find the right words.

Which three authors would you say influenced your writing the most?

The three most influencial writers for me would be Trudi Canavan, Angela Carter, and Heather Walter. Trudi Canavan was one of the first authors I read when I started reading, and it really helped shape my goal to become a writer. I was exposed to Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and Wise Children in Sixth Form and completely fell in love with her prose. Her writing heavily influenced my university work and final dissertation. Heather Walter is a more recent obsession. I just loved Malice and it made me yearn that my writing will one day be like that and have readers feeling the same way.

When you’re building your world, what do you focus on? How do you try to make it come to life?

I’m actually pretty terrible for world building! I have one second world fantasy and I’m still in the process of trying to flesh it out and make it feel like a fully realised world. I probably should have done that first but now I’m working on my second draft and it all feels a bit hollow. All my other WIPs are first world and set in Manchester, UK, so I don’t need to worry too much about making it come to life as it’s right there on my doorstep.

What projects are you currently working on? Can you share any details yet?

I have so many projects I’m working on at the moment but I’ll mention a few of the queer pieces. I have two novels focusing on lesbian relationships in different ways. One is my Vigilante WIP – I call it lesbian in the flavour of angst. It’s got a lot more hard hitting content and situations that are painful if you’ve ever experienced them. The other which is closer to fruition is my Succubus WIP – I call this one lesbian in the flavour of fluff. It’s still serious but it’s a much cuter and very affirming romance about a virgin lesbian being taught by a succubus how to date. But instead she finds herself falling for said succubus.

Three images that capture the aesthetic of your book?

Three songs you would put in your book’s soundtrack?

As it’s the one I’m close to finishing I’ll do my Succubus WIP for this. I Want it All by Bonnie McKee is a must. So, my succubus WIP has changed a lot from how I first imagined it but I Want it All was the song that inspired it in the first place and for the longest time Deal with the Devil was the working title. This is tough because I generally vibe off one song alone but decided on Physical by Dua Lipa as my second because it is all about yearning and that is 90% of succubus. Third is Into You by Ariana Grande which examplifies the spice level that succubus is running at.

What would be your dream project?

Is it a cop out to say all my pieces are my dream projects? I only work on something if I’m really passionate about it and I know that if any of my novels get published one way or another it’s going to be a dream come true. I’m really passionate about my two current LGBT WIPs though – succubus and vigilante – and I’m desperate to get them out into the world and share them with people.

Which of your characters would you most want to fight a zombie apocalypse with?

From my succubus WIP I think Ivy would be the best at fighting in a zombie apocalypse. She’s really athletic and has a good head on her shoulders, unlike me. She never comes into contact with any of the supernatural elements in my WIP but I think if she did she’d take it in her stride.

You’re stuck on a desert island and you’re allowed only three (LGBT) books. What are you taking?

I’ve only recently managed to find a reliable source of LGBT books (thanks QueerLit!) so my read list is pretty short at the moment, although I’m planning on reading so many this year. But I’d have to say Throwaway Girls as my first, I read it in Sept 2021 and absolutely devoured it. I very rarely read crime/mystery but I was absorbed by it instantly. Second is Malice by Heather Walter. I am, in short, obsessed. I can not wait for the next book to come out and I’m going to be rereading it as soon as I get it back from my girlfriend! Third is The Bone Shard Daughter because I haven’t finished it yet. I can’t just leave a book half read so it has to come with me.

You can collaborate on anything with anyone in the LGBT community: who would it be and why?

It’d have to be N. J. de Natris (@NJdeNatris). We are on a discord server together and I see loads about her latest WIP which is all about a cooking contest which is just amazing. Cooking and baking is probably my second biggest passion next to writing so I think it’s really awesome she’s combining the two. I’ve offered suggestions on some pun-tastic names in chat and I think we could cook up something really cool if we put our heads together.


I’m a published writer, having written stories for both horror and fantasy anthologies for several different publishers. My latest project is a full length novel which I’m currently in the process of editing.

I’ve been obsessed with fantasy and the gothic since I was old enough to walk. So, when my parents had to explain to me that dragons don’t actually exist, I decided I needed to fix this. Since that day I started writing stories to put the fantasy in my head into this world.

I take my inspiration from all around me. Politics, science, mythology, and art are the main things that influence me. Lately my work has been focusing around Japanese folklore but all things gothic and fantasy are fair game for me.

You can find a list of my published works here or you can check out Affogato for free here.

Void writing, I also love reading and I will be using this space to review the books I read. I will also be writing about general adventures I go on. My other interests include gaming, anime, manga, and gardening.

If you want to see more frequent updates follow my facebook page or twitter profile.

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