A young adult fantasy book both of us have enjoyed? If you know anything about us (and especially about Charlotte), you realise it must be a miracle! Or just a really good book! Read our reviews to find out what is the truth.
But seriously, if you haven’t pre-ordered These Feathered Flames yet, this is your sign that you absolutely should. And follow Alexandra on twitter, for more info about her upcoming projects!

When twin heirs are born in Tourin, their fates are decided at a young age. While Izaveta remained at court to learn the skills she’d need as the future queen, Asya was taken away to train with her aunt, the mysterious Firebird, who ensured magic remained balanced in the realm.
But before Asya’s training is completed, the ancient power blooms inside her, which can mean only one thing: the queen is dead, and a new ruler must be crowned.
As the princesses come to understand everything their roles entail, they’ll discover who they can trust, who they can love—and who killed their mother.

These Feathered Flames
Alexandra Overy
Rep: lesbian mc & li
Release: 20th April 2021

Charlotte’s Review
If you are looking for an enjoyable sapphic YA fantasy, perhaps some angsty sibling dynamics, definitely some relationships you can root for, then look no further than These Feathered Flames.
The book follows the dual POVs of Asya and Izaveta, one the Firebird and one the Queen-to-be. When their mother dies, they are catapulted into positions neither is fully prepared for. The book is part murder-mystery, part a bigger fantasy adventure — while Asya investigates a series of murders, seemingly centred on the Firebird, Izaveta has to hold her kingdom together, despite challenges from the Church and the land losing its magic.
The best part of this book was in its sibling relationship. You can’t help but root for both Asya and Izaveta, despite each often working at odds to the other. You’ll find yourself internally screaming at them to just talk things out and work together because the other option is just a bit too painful (speaking of, though, book 2 is set up to be amazing).
And then there are the romances. I particularly loved the potential for one that grew between Izaveta and Nikov throughout the book, and the ending has me highly intrigued for how that’s gonna go in the sequel.
I spent 2020 not often enjoying the YA fantasies that I read, so I am extremely happy to be able to say I loved reading this one.

Anna’s Review
Do you ever just sit there longing for a Slavic-inspired fantasy book, with names that actually make sense, and where the “Slavic-inspired” part isn’t just an aesthetic but instead is what makes the whole plot and the world work? Boy, do I have a treat for you!
These Feathered Flames has a lot to offer, and the fact that it’s deeply rooted in Russian culture is actually just the tip of the iceberg. (Unless you’re Slavic, of course, in which case it might be my main selling point for you. Basically every single part of the world-building is something you can trace back to things you know from your childhood, and I think that’s beautiful.)
The book centers around two twin sisters and that is the main relationship of the book, despite the fact that both of them also have really interesting love interests. It’s their dynamic that pushes the plot forward, that makes things happen. Both Asya and Izaveta act either because of or in spire of their love for each other. And their love is absolutely obvious, even though one is a Firebird and the other a Queen-to-be and they’re not supposed to actually remember they’re sisters.
But then you have the delicious hate-to-love lesbian romance. Or more accurately, hate-to-something-that-could-bloom-into-love-if-given-a-chance. You need to understand that romance is not a main focus of These Feathered Flames, but it still manages to gift us some absolutely iconic scenes. Including sword fighting.
And the biggest gift of them all: the ending and what it promises the sequel to be. Everything one could possibly want from a book about a Firebird and sisters, if one enjoys angst and powerful women.
If you’re looking for a YA fantasy book with cool world-building, intense relationships, strong main female characters, a side of romance, intrigues, mysteries & betrayals, These Feathered Flames is definitely a book for you. It also has bears!

So, have we convinced you that you want to read this book?
Birdie @ Birdie's booktopia
I love this book so much, it completely lived up to my expectations and I can’t wait for my copy to arrive! I definitely agree with all you’ve said so great review!!
very glad u also loved it!!