All Reviews,  Literature

Blog Tour: Queen of Coin and Whispers

Something exciting for you today as we are part of the blog tour for Helen Corcoran’s Queen of Coin and Whispers which released last month. If you haven’t read it yet, and you’re looking for a sapphic royal fantasy with a slowburning romance and political machinations, this book is for you!

For this tour stop, I figured I would make a mix for the book, complete with reasons why I added each song. Or at least, I tried to give reasons. Sometimes it’s just about how the song feels…

Before we begin though, you can check out all of the other stops on the tour here and read my review of the book here.


‘She loved me as I loved her, fierce as a bloodied blade.’

When teenage queen Lia inherits her corrupt uncle’s bankrupt kingdom, she brings a new spymaster into the fold … Xania, who takes the job to avenge her murdered father.

Faced with dangerous plots and hidden enemies, can Lia and Xania learn to rely on each another, as they discover that all is not fair in love and treason?

In a world where the throne means both power and duty, they must decide what to sacrifice for their country – and for each other …

Queen of Coin and Whispers

Helen Corcoran

Published: 1st June 2020
Rep: lesbian mcs

Between the Wars / Allman Brown

between the wars we’ll stay
fading echoes spin away
lost in memories, in memories

So this one works if you think of the “wars” as being like the mysteries to be solved, I guess? I mean, trust me to open this playlist with a song that is tenuously linked but. I was thinking along the lines of how Xania and Lia’s relationship develops in the spaces between having to deal with the politics and so forth.

Breathe Again / Joy Oladokun

Follow me down where the waters run deep
i’ll let you drown in the worst of me
if my intentions are good
why can’t I come clean

I don’t know why but this one just makes me think of Xania following her father’s death. It’s the kind of vibes it gives me, that’s all.

Hurricane / Vaults

And everyone feels the same
picked up and thrown by a hurricane

Basically this one’s for whenever Lia felt as if she was struggling with queenship. Particularly having to deal with the mess her uncle had left behind.

Battlefield / SVRCINA

I will be your sword and shield
your camouflage
and you will be mine

I didn’t mean for the battle imagery to continue but apparently it is so. I feel this one fits into Lia’s desire to change the kingdom (we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead) but also Xania’s role (I will be your sword and shield).

Bird / Billie Marten

Nobody’s watching
drowning in words so sweet
mild is the water
caught as a bird once free

Another one for Lia and her complicated feelings with the queenship. Equally, it fits Xania and her feelings regarding her father’s legacy. Who knows, I’m winging it here (not an intentional pun).

Unsteady / X Ambassadors

Hold, hold on, hold on to me
’cause I’m a little unsteady, a little unsteady

Consider this one from Lia’s point of view while she’s been captured. Or Lia when she’s first been crowned. Basically just Lia, to be honest.

Wings / Birdy

In the moment we’re lost and found
I just wanna be by your side
if these wings could fly
for the rest of our lives

This is more a vibes one, to be honest, but the bit about wanting to be by your side and for the rest of our lives feel like they fit Xania and Lia.

Carry You / Ruelle & Fleurie

You are not alone,
I’ve been here the whole time
singing you a song.

To finish things off, I’m mostly thinking in terms of angst here, after Lia is rescued and everything. Because why not.


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