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ARC Review: Moontangled


Take one ambitious politician and one determined magician with wildly different aims for their next meeting.

Add a secret betrothal, a family scandal, and a heaping of dangerous fey magic in an enchanted wood…and watch the sparks fly!

For just one moonlit, memorable night, Thornfell College of Magic has flung open its doors, inviting guests from around the nation to an outdoor ball intended to introduce the first-ever class of women magicians to society…but one magician and one invited guest have far more pressing goals of their own for the night.

Quietly brilliant Juliana Banks is determined to win back the affections of her secret fiancée, rising politician Caroline Fennell, who has become inexplicably distant. If Juliana needs to use magic to get her stubborn fiancée to pay her attention…well, then, as the top student in her class, she is more than ready to take on that challenge!

Unbeknownst to Juliana, though, Caroline plans to nobly sacrifice their betrothal for Juliana’s own sake – and no one has ever accused iron-willed Caroline Fennell of being easy to deter from any goal.

Their path to mutual happiness may seem tangled beyond repair…but when they enter the fey-ruled woods that border Thornfell College, these two determined women will find all of their plans upended in a night of unexpected and magical possibilities.


Stephanie Burgis

Published: 3rd February 2020
Rep: wlw mcs

5 Reasons to Read this Book

ARC kindly provided by Stephanie Burgis

One. One of my absolute favourite genres is a historical setting but where you also have just a little bit of magic (see Zen Cho’s Sorcerer Royal books too), and this novella does that so well. It’s the sort of setting that makes you want to go back and reread it all just so you can live in it a little longer.

Two. Juliana and Caroline are wonderful MCs, and their relationship is just *chef’s kiss*.

Three. A novella that can give you the perfect amount of angst and resolution and background to the characters without info-dumping? Basically, the dream.

Four. You know when a novella leaves you both satisfied with it and in desperate need of more? Well. Yeah.

Five. Did I mention Juliana and Caroline?

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