This rec list comes from a request I got on twitter for LGBT books with neurodiverse characters. Obviously, neurodiversity covers an enormous spectrum, so I’m in no way attempting to cover all that (and if you look at the list, you can probably see where there are gaps, i.e. rep that isn’t anxiety, depression, PTSD, because sure those are the most common disorders but there’s a lot more out there).
What I’m attempting to give you here is a handful of recs (ownvoices where possible, elsewise covered respectfully) to start you off. And, as ever, I would happily take recs from you in return. (Also I have extended the rec list to feature 12 books instead of the usual 10 just so I can broaden the variety here.)
P.S. I’m only giving the rep for the neurodiverse LGBT character(s) in the book, even if there are more LGBT or neurodiverse characters in all. If that makes sense.

Six Goodbyes We Never Said

Candace Ganger
Rep: bi/pan mc with OCD, anxiety (GAD) and depression
Why Should I Read It?
If you want a book that has casual bi/pan rep, but also no romance, then look no further. Six Goodbyes We Never Said instead centres on grief and friendship (among other themes) and has a wonderfully unique writing style.

A Tiny Piece of Something Greater

Jude Sierra
Rep: gay mc with cyclothymia
Why Should I Read It?
Ownvoices representation and a really soft and cute romance, what more could you possibly want from a book?

I Wish You All The Best

Mason Deaver
Rep: nonbinary mc with anxiety
Why Should I Read It?
Read this book about a nonbinary teen, they said. Get your heart broken and then taped back together, they said. And by they, I mean me.

The Outside

Ada Hoffmann
Rep: wlw autistic mc
Why Should I Read It?
To be perfectly honest, I haven’t read this one. But people I trust have liked it, and it’s ownvoices rep too, so obviously it has to be on here.

The Truth About Keeping Secrets

Savannah Brown
Rep: lesbian mc, bi li with anxiety, PTSD and depression
TWs: emotional abuse, mentions of self harm (see full list)
Why Should I Read It?
Who doesn’t love a thriller, and who doesn’t love a gay thriller on top of that. In this case, the neurodiversity rep is a side character (but a pretty major side character), though the main character may be read as such too, I’m not sure.

The Wicker King

K. Ancrum
Rep: bi mc with anorexia, anxiety and depression, side character with catatonic depression, bi mc with peduncular hallucinosis
Why Should I Read It?
Given that Anna is basically a one-person K. Ancrum hype squad, there was absolutely no way they would have let me get away with not including this book on the list. But, honestly, it’s not like they’re wrong here.

We Are the Ants

Shaun David Hutchinson
Rep: gay mc with anxiety and depression
Why Should I Read It?
I am reliably informed (by Anna, so maybe less reliable) that “you know how in “once more, with feeling” buffy can’t stop dancing her final number, until spike catches her & sings that life is just living?? this feels a lot like that, only it’s gay & there’s science™”. Whatever that means.

A Light Amongst Shadows

Kelley York & Rowan Altwood
Rep: bi mc with substance use disorder
TWs: implied torture, child abuse
Why Should I Read It?
Okay, so, sure, maybe substance abuse disorders is pushing it with neurodiversity, but, if that one module I did on behavioural neuroscience has taught me anything, it’s that addiction works on your dopamine system (among others), so is literally changing the architecture of your brain so. It counts in my book (and also, yes, I did just want to rec this one).

Far From Home

Lorelie Brown
Rep: bi mc with eating disorder
TWs: eating disorder
Why Should I Read It?
The best “I married a woman so she could get a green card and oh shit I might be falling in love with her”. Hands down.

Amelia Westlake

Erin Gough
Rep: lesbian mc with anxiety
Why Should I Read It?
Do you want some gay hate to reluctant partners in a venture to we’re destroying the patriarchy together to oh shit we’re in love? (The answer is, obviously, yes.)

Red, White & Royal Blue

Casey McQuiston
Rep: Mexican American bi mc with ADHD, gay li with depression
TWs: panic attack, outing
Why Should I Read It?
You: Charlotte you rec this so much, give it a rest.

History is All You Left Me

Adam Silvera
Rep: gay mc with OCD
Why Should I Read It?
If you want to cry over a book (and sometimes you do need to, don’t you?), then this is the book for you. It’s one you’ll need the tissues to hand for (and the chocolate and/or other endorphin boosting foods). But don’t worry, there is at least a happy ending here.

That’s it for this rec list. Are there any you love that we haven’t included on here? Let us know!

Tanya Goffy
I love I Wish You All The Best to death! The anxiety could’ve been done a bit better, but it wasn’t too triggering.
we both enjoyed it too!
– charlotte
Faith @ Pages Left Unread
Aaaaaaaa I love this post!! I haven’t read any of these books yet, but they all look really good. (Also I didn’t know RW&RB has ADHD rep??) ❤❤
ahh i love introducing people to books they don’t know!! yeah, the author confirmed on twitter bc people had been picking up on it in the book (though it’s undiagnosed)
– charlotte
JJ Crafts
I hadn’t heard of a bunch of these that sound awesome. You should totally read The Outside if you haven’t though. And for other queer ND rep I always rec Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan. Its an m/m dual pov between an autistic guy and a guy with suicidal depression and anxiety
always nice to introduce people to new books! not sure when i’ll get round to the outside but i’ll add it tbr
– charlotte
Such a gorgeous list of recommendations! Can’t wait to read all of these :’)
thanks!! i hope you find one you like
– charlotte
Thank you so much for this list!! I’ve been looking into finding and reading more books with neurodiverse characters because I don’t read enough of them but I had no idea where to start! This post provides perfect starting points though, so thank you again!!
I LOVED RWARB and IWYATB, and I’m really looking forward to We Are the Ants, The Outside, and Six Goodbyes We Never Said. Amelia Westlake sounds so amazing too! A bad girl and good girl romance – sign me up please!
glad to be able to help! i hope you enjoy some of these 🙂
– charlotte
I will! I’ve already gotten some of them! 😁
E. Pasternak
I’ve been waiting for something like this for so long! Thank you, Charlotte! I’ll be adding them all to my TBR today! 💜
glad i could help!