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    ARC Review: Wranglestone + Timberdark

    Did you ever go through a phase of reading all the zombie apocalypse books you could get your hands on? No? Just me? Okay then. But even if you didn’t, this is a series you’ll want to be on the lookout for. I was lucky enough to read an ARC of Timberdark, but my review here is for the whole series, because I couldn’t review one without the other. So, let’s dive in!

    And don’t forget, you can follow Darren on twitter.

    The islands of Lake Wranglestone are a safe haven in a world filled with the Restless Dead. But as the lake freezes over, there’s nothing to stop them from crossing the ice.

    Peter’s has never really felt at home in a place where practicality and grit are valued above all else. He’s nothing like rancher, Cooper, the boy he’s always watched from afar. But when he’s is ordered to join him out on the mainland to help herd the Dead from their shores, they find more than just each other.

    There they unearth a dark secret about Wranglestone’s past. One that forces the pair to question everything they’ve ever known.

    With the tide turned against the Dead, Peter and the remaining community on Wranglestone prepare to leave for town, where the comforts of the world before await them. Could this be the home that finally brings both safety and unity for all?

    Cooper isn’t so sure. He harbours feelings from that terrible night on the lake and worse, a secret… codename, Timberdark.

    With Cooper’s new found connection to the Dead, Peter’s suspicions about what he might do next grow. Faced with losing the boy he loves, Peter must uncover the truth about the mysterious Timberdark before their future together and the world around them is placed in danger.

    Wranglestone Duology

    Darren R. Charlton


    Rep: gay mc, gay li
    Timberdark release: 1st September 2022