• All Reviews,  Literature

    ARC Review: The Bone Spindle

    It’s the day you’ve all undoubtedly been waiting for! That is, it’s The Bone Spindle‘s book birthday! If you haven’t been excited about this one I am forced to assume you’ve been living under a rock. I mean, what could be better than Sleeping Beauty crossed with Indiana Jones? Nothing, I tell you. But if, for whatever ungodly reason, you’re still on the fence about this one, let me try convince you with this review!

    And don’t forget to follow Leslie on twitter too!

    Related: check out our interview with Leslie.

    Fi is a bookish treasure hunter with a knack for ruins and riddles, who definitely doesn’t believe in true love.

    Shane is a tough-as-dirt girl warrior from the north who likes cracking skulls, pretty girls, and doing things her own way.

    Briar Rose is a prince under a sleeping curse, who’s been waiting a hundred years for the kiss that will wake him.

    Cursed princes are nothing but ancient history to Fi–until she pricks her finger on a bone spindle while exploring a long-lost ruin. Now she’s stuck with the spirit of Briar Rose until she and Shane can break the century-old curse on his kingdom.

    Dark magic, Witch Hunters, and bad exes all stand in her way–not to mention a mysterious witch who might wind up stealing Shane’s heart, along with whatever else she’s after. But nothing scares Fi more than the possibility of falling in love with Briar Rose.

    The Bone Spindle

    Leslie Vedder


    Rep: lesbian mc, sapphic li
    Release: 11th January 2022

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Leslie Vedder

    I hope you’re ready for a very exciting interview today! Leslie Vedder is an author debuting in 2022 with a f/f fantasy that mixes Sleeping Beauty with Indiana Jones and, to be perfectly honest, it sounds like everything we’ve ever wanted. So, with that hook, and to hopefully sate your thirst for this book, here’s our interview with her!

    And don’t forget to follow her on Twitter!