• Book Features

    Excerpt: Molten Death

    Tomorrow marks the release of Leslie Karst’s Molten Death, a sapphic murder mystery set amidst lava flows in Hawai’i. If that sounds good to you, what better way to whet your appetite than to give you this: a sneak preview of the first chapter!

    Don’t forget, there’s still time to preorder this one! And you can always keep up to date with news from Leslie on instagram.

  • Book Features

    Excerpt: Shitty Craft Club

    Today’s feature is a bit of a departure from our usual posts, it has to be said, but no less exciting we’re sure. If you’re looking for a hobby to take up in the coming winter days, perhaps Sam Reece and the Shitty Craft Club can get you started! But don’t just take our word for it, take a peek at Shitty Craft Club: A Club for Gluing Beads to Trash, Talking about Our Feelings, and Making Silly Things to get yourself started!

    You can also catch up with Sam and the Shitty Craft Club on TikTok and Instagram, and you can get your own copy of Shitty Craft Club here!

  • Book Features

    Excerpt: Hollow

    A surprise exciting post coming from us today! It might be the middle of Pride Month but we’re about to bring you some spookiness! A modern, sapphic take on the legend of the Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. What could be more perfect than that? We promise you, once you read the excerpt, you will be absolutely hooked! This year the fall could not come sooner.

    And, of course, you can follow Shannon, Kaitlyn, Kieran and Gonçalo on twitter! Or stay up to date by following Boom Studios!

  • Book Features

    Cover Reveal + Excerpt: Defenders of the Black Crown

    Fans of fantasy series hold onto your hats because we have a very exciting post for you today. If you’re looking for: a. more indie publishers to support, b. more sapphic adult fantasy, and c. a whole lot of fun to have, then you won’t want to miss out on the Black Crown series. Your luck is in today, too, because we have the exciting task of revealing the cover of book two and a little sneak peek at what’s to come! Strap yourself in and let’s go!

    But before we start, remember you can, of course, also follow Cate on twitter.

  • Book Features

    Excerpt: She Gets the Girl

    She Gets the Girl is finally out in the world! We have been waiting for long enough! I think we all could use a little bit of a sapphic romcom right about now, am I right?

    But if you’re still waiting for your preorder copy to come in, or if you’re simply still wondering how excited you should be about this book, we’re here to help you out! Below you can read the first chapter of She Gets the Girl and curb your curiosity!

    And, of course, you can follow both Alyson and Rachael on twitter!

  • Book Features

    Cover Reveal + Excerpt: Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston

    Today’s post is probably our most exciting post of the month. We are delighted to help Esme Symes-Smith reveal the cover of their debut middle grade, Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston, coming out on 1st November! This cover is designed by Michelle Cunningham, with art by Kate Sheridan, and it is truly gorgeous.

    And not only do we have a cover for you today, but we also have a sneak preview of the book itself! Everyone wins today.

    Once you’ve read all this, of course, you can preorder and also follow Esme on twitter!