• Interviews

    Author Interview: Allison Saft

    As you are (hopefully) aware, Allison Saft’s debut, Down Comes the Night, released yesterday (finally, I say, having made the glorious mistake of reading it last August and been suffering since then) so today, we have for you the interview she so kindly answered for us…just a few months back now I guess.

    Down Comes the Night is a gothic fantasy mystery, featuring a maybe-haunted house and some good old-fashioned enemies to lovers — basically the book of all our dreams. And trust me when I say, if you pick this up, make sure you’re prepared to be glued to the sofa/bed/other such seating arrangement of your desire until you’ve put it down. It’s one of those.

    So, get yourself comfortable, and have a read of this. And don’t forget to follow her on Twitter!

    And then promise me you’ll go read the book.