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Film & TV Recs: Gay Christmas Movies

This winter both Charlotte and I wanted to rec you some holiday stories. Charlotte went for novellas and you can find her post here. I decided to rec you Christmas movies. Only… I knew there aren’t many, but I didn’t realise there are actually three and two of them are unwatchable…

If you’re looking for a list of those netflix-like movies of switched princesses and time-travelling knights and princes falling for regular people, but Make It Gay… If you’re hoping for that, this list isn’t for you, because movies like that still don’t exist for us.

But if you’re looking for some pretty cool movies with a christmasy theme in one way or another, you may just find something for yourself here. At the very least, you’ll find canon rep.

Make the Yuletide Gay (2009)


dir. Rob Williams
Rep: gay mc & li

Why Should I Watch It?

This is the ultimate Gay Christmas Hallmark Movie. It’s cheesy, it’s a little ridiculous, it’s clearly low-budget, the acting is slightly off in that very specific way you’re expecting but surprisingly still good – it has it all. And it’s very cute. There’s a little bit of angst and some lack of communication, but in the end, it’s a feel good movie.

Other People (2016)


dir. Chris Kelly
Rep: gay mc

Why Should I Watch It?

Okay, first things first: this is not technically a Christmas movie, although parts of it take place around the holidays, and it’s not a sweet-cute gay movie. Still, the mc’s gayness is focal to his character and a lot of the movie is about that. It’s a heartbreaking story and it will very much make you cry. It reminds me a lot of Please Like Me with its humour.

Breakfast with Scot (2007)


dir. Laurie Lynd
Rep: gay mcs

Why Should I Watch It?

It’s more christmasy in spirit than the timeline, though parts of it are happening at the end of December. It’s a story of a kid, but actually it’s the two adult gay men who grow up throughout the movie. And it’s very clear that this is a movie made for us. There’s some internalized homophobia, but in the end, love wins all, right?

Let It Snow (2019)


dir. Luke Snellin
Rep: interracial sapphic relationship

Why Should I Watch It?

I wasn’t aware this is based on a book, so I got to enjoy it all of its own. Its not a perfect movie and it’s basically begging its creators to allow a perfect polyam couple, but  we can’t have everything, even this time of year. Still, the girls are cute and it’s fun.

Love the Coopers (2015)


dir. Jessie Nelson
Rep: Black gay side character

Why Should I Watch It?

The gay rep is far from perfect, as all we get is a side character with a pretty stereotypical background. But there’s also a fake-dating arc (for a het couple) and the movie is actually a lot of fun. And no, I do not wanna talk about Amanda Seyfried’s character having some kind of a weird crush on a grandpa of the family.

Go (1999)


dir. Doug Liman
Rep: gay relationship

Why Should I Watch It?

Okay, this is definitely a Choice on my part, seeing as this is a Christmas movie more with the vibes of Die Hard than a Hallmark stuff, but. You won’t know what on earth you just watched, but you will have fun while it’s happening! It’s also pretty cool how it’s divided intro three parts with three different povs to tell three intertwined stories.

TW: drugs, guns, violence

Home for Christmas (2019)


creator: Per-Olav Sørensen
Rep: side lesbian character

Why Should I Watch It?

Yes, I’m here with shows, because there are just not enough movies… And yes, the rep is only a side character and it can kind of feel like she’s used for laughs at times (though I’ve decided not to see it like that). But! The whole vibe of the show is very wholesome and reminds us how important all relationships are, friendships included, and for that I love it.

Side note: there’s a relationship between a teenager and an adult which I do not enjoy at all but it’s ended in a great way, if I do say so myself, so I am willing to forgive its inclusion.

Yuri!!! On Ice (2016)


creators: Yamamoto Sayo & Kubo Mitsurō
Rep: Japanese mlm mc, mlm li

Why Should I Watch It?

Saving the best for last! Yes, this is THE ultimate christmasy thing to watch if you’re gay! Even if you usually don’t watch anime, you should give this one a try. It’s only 12 episodes and it’s so overflowing with love and it will just make you feel safe & cherished.

Yes, the rep is canon and it’s not just wishful thinking, I wouldn’t do you dirty like that.

I’m aware there are only 8 titles on this list and not 10, like we usually do, but listen… There just aren’t any more good stuff I could rec you, honest!

You might google yourself and find some other movies. But I will do you a solid and tell you what NOT to watch, unless you want to get very angry. Do not watch The Family Stone (2005) or Lez Bomb (2018). Trust me on this. I suffered, so you don’t have to.

And with that gift, let me wish you a nice second day of Christmas or a nice Thursday! Happy watching!


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