I come late, but I come bearing gifts. Over one hundred LGBT young adult books being realised this half of the year! I think that’s a decent gift, don’t yall?
So go forth, enjoy and preorder away! And hey, a lot of those titles are (or ill be) available on Scribd (I refuse to remember the new name), so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)
Related: LGBT YA books of January-June 2024 & more LGBT YA releases


The Loudest Silence by Sydney Langford (deaf sapphic mc, achillean mc with generalised anxiety disorder)
Cursed Boys and Broken Hearts by Adam Sass (m/m relationship)
Lover Birds by Leanne Egan (sapphic mc with ADHD, f/f relationship)
Earth to Alis by Lex Carlow (m/m relationship)
Ready or Not by Andi Porretta (gay mc)
Hiding Him by Adam Hattan (m/m relationship)
StreamLine by Lauren Melissa Ellzey (f/f relationship)
Exes and Foes by Amanda Woody (bi mc, f/m relationship)
Unbecoming by Seema Yasmin (Muslim sapphic mc)
The Great Cool Ranch Dorito in the Sky by Josh Galarza (lesbian character)
The Second Son by Adrienne Tooley (f/f relationship)
Sparks, Vol, 1: Portals by Revel Guts (m/m relationship)
The End Crowns All by Bea Fitzgerald (ace lesbian mc, bi mc)
A Darker Mischief by Derek Milman (m/m relationship)
The Blonde Dies First by Joelle Wellington (sapphic mc, f/f relationship)
So Witches We Became by Jill Baguchinsky (f/f relationship)
I Will Never Leave You by Kara A. Kennedy (sapphic mc, past f/f relationship)
The Ghostkeeper by Johanna Taylor (m/m relationship)
The White Guy Dies First ed. by Terry J. Benton-Walker (Iranian American nonbinary mc, Black sapphic mc, Native American nonbinary mc)
Trespass Against Us by Leon Kemp (gay mc)
Time and Time Again by Chatham Greenfield (disabled lesbian mc, disabled nonbinary lesbian mc, f/nb relationship)


We Are the Medicine by Tasha Spillett & Natasha Donovan (Two-Spirit mc)
Prince of the Palisades by Julian Winters (m/m relationship)
Don’t Let It Break Your Heart by Maggie Horne (f/f relationship)
Mighty Millie Novak by Elizabeth Holden (f/f relationship)
Emmy Star is So Everything by Daniel Tawse (nonbinary bi mc)
Navigating With You by Jeremy Whitley & Casio Ribiero (f/f relationship)
Libertad by Bessie Flores ZaldÃvar (Honduran sapphic mc)
A Bánh Mì for Two by Trinity Nguyen (Vietnamese American sapphic mc, Vietnamese sapphic li, f/f relationship)
Eat Your Heart Out, Vol. 1 by Terry Blas, Matty Newton & Lydia Anslow (lgbt cast)
The Duchess of Kokora by Nikhil Prabala (f/f relationship)
Fyrebirds by Kate J. Armstrong (f/f relationship)
Practical Rules for Cursed Witches by Kayla Cottingham (f/f relationship)
The New Camelot by Robyn Schneider (bi mc)
The Brujos of Borderland High by Gume Laurel III (gay mc)
Gentlest of Wild Things by Sarah Underwood (f/f relationship) UK release, US in Oct
Not for the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher (f/f relationship) UK release, US in Nov
Better Left Buried by Mary E. Roach (f/f relationship)
Death At Morning House by Maureen Johnson (sapphic mc)
This Ravenous Fate by Hayley Dennings (Black lesbian mcs, f/f relationship)
Come Out, Come Out by Natalie C. Parker (lesbian mc, genderfluid mc)
The House Where Death Lives ed. by Alex Brown (lgbt stories)
Full Shift by Jennifer Dugan & Kit Seaton (f/f relationship)
Visions by Cheryl Rainfield (lesbian mc, nonbinary lesbian mc)
The Dark We Know by Wen-yi Lee (Chinese American bi mc)


Between the Pipes by Sonya Ballantyne, Alice RL, Albert McLeod & Elaine Mordoch (Indigenous gay mc, Two-Spirit side character)
The Other Ones by Fran Hart (m/m relationship)
Superficial by Diane Billas (pan mc)
They Thought They Buried Us by NoNieqa Ramos (Boricua queer nonbinary mc)
Desert Echoes by Abdi Nazemian (m/m relationship)
I’m Not Really Here by Gary Lonesborough (Aboriginal gay mc)
When the World Tips Over by Jandy Nelson (gay mc)
Mismatched by Anne Camlin & Isadora Zeferino (m/m relationship)
What is This Feeling? by Robby Weber (m/m relationship)
Rabbit and Juliet by Rebecca Stafford (f/f relationship)
Here Goes Nothing by Emma K. Ohland (ace mc, f/f relationship)
Faeries Never Lie ed. by Natalie C. Parker & Zoraida Cordova (lgbt cast)
Celestial Monsters by Aiden Thomas (transmasc mc, m/m relationship)
Night Owls by A. R. Vishny (f/f relationship)
This Fatal Kiss by Alicia Jasinska (bi mc, m/m/f relationship)
Gravity’s Fire by C. J. Aralore (gay mc, bi mc, m/m relationship)
Spells to Forget Us by Aislinn Brophy (f/f relationship)
Everything Glittered by Robin Talley (f/f relationship)
Flamboyants by George M. Johnson & Cienna Smith (history)
The Beauty of Us by Farzana Doctor (sapphic mcs)
To the Bone by Alena Bruzas (f/f relationship)
The Glass Scientists: Volume Two by S.H. Cotugno (m/m relationship)
Touch of Death by Taylor Munsell (f/f relationship)
How to Survive a Horror Movie by Scarlett Dunmore (lesbian mc)
When Haru Was Here by Dustin Thao (gay mc)
At the End of the River Styx by Michelle Kulwicki (m/m relationship)
Old Wounds by Logan-Ashley Kisner (bi transfem mc, bi transmasc mc, f/m relationship)
Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White (autistic transmasc mc)
Till the Last Beat of my Heart by Louangie Bou-Montes (Afro-Latinx achillean mc, m/m relationship)
As regras do jogo by Arquelana (f/f relationship)


Girlmode by Magdalene Visaggio & Paulina Ganucheau (transfem mc)
The Ghost of You by Michael Gray Bulla (transmasc mc)
Lucy, Uncensored by Mel & Teghan Hammond (transfem mc, bi mc)
Make My Wish Come True by Rachael Lippincott & Alyson Derrick (f/f relationship)
Under the Lights by Maya Ameyaw (bi mc, m/f & m/m relationships)
Legend of the White Snake by Sher Lee (m/m relationship)
The Door in Lake Mallion by S. M. Beiko (m/m relationship)
This Dark Heart by Zeena Gosrani (f/f relationship)
Until We Shatter by Kate Dylan (bi mcs, f/m relationship)
The Forbidden Book by Sacha Lamb (genderqueer lesbian mc)
Of Blood and Lightning by Micki Janae (lgbt characters)
Castle Swimmer, Vol. 1 by Wendy Martin (m/m relationship)
The Hollow and the Haunted by Camilla Raines (m/m relationship)
Prince of Fortune by Lisa Tirreno (m/m relationship)
This Dark Paradise by Erin Luken (bi mc, f/m & f/f relationships)
The Magic We Make by Jason June (m/m relationship)
I Shall Never Fall in Love by Hari Conner (nonbinary mc, nb/f relationship)
Red in Tooth and Claw by Lish McBride (genderfluid mc)
A Vile Season by David Ferraro (m/m relationship)
Haunting Melody by Chloe Spencer (f/f relationship)
Don’t Let the Forest In by C. G. Drews (m/m relationship)
Rest in Peaches by Alex Brown (Filipino American sapphic mc & li, f/f relationship)
The Brightness Between Us by Eliot Schrefer (m/m relationship)
Take a Sad Song by Ona Gritz (f/f relationship)
October’s Ocean by Delaine Coppock (pan mc)


Rani Choudhury Must Die by Adiba Jaigirdar (bi mcs, f/f relationship)
Thanks for Listening by Molly Horan (f/f relationship)
So Over This by David Fenne (gay mcs)
Leap by Simina Popescu (sapphic mcs)
Flopping in a Winter Wonderland by Jason June (m/m relationship)
Our Deadly Designs by Kalyn Josephson (bi mc, aroace mc)
A Wild and Ruined Song by Ashley Shuttleworth (lesbian mc with depression, pan mc, gay mc, bi mc, genderfluid mc)
All the Truth I Can Stand by Mason Stokes (gay mc)
Dead Girls Don’t Dream by Nino Cipri (f/f relationship)
I Am the Dark That Answers When You Call by Jamison Shea (Black bi mc, f/f relationship)
The Theater Threat by Allie Sarah (m/m relationship)

To Shatter the Night by Katherine Quinn (bi mc, f/m relationship)
We Are the Beasts by Gigi Griffis (f/f relationship)
Keep It in the Dark by Justin Arnold (m/m relationship)
Heavenly Tyrant by Xiran Jay Zhao (bi mcs, f/m/m relationship)

Which book are you most looking forward to?
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