Better late than never, so here it is! The playlist (linked at the bottom of the post) I created with all the songs by LGBT artists released last month. All the songs I know about, of course. Surely, there are many many more, but at the end of the day I am just one person. That’s why I always ask people to submit their music via email! Anyway, hope you enjoy and find here some new faves.
I also compiled a small playlists of LGBT Palestinian artists, if that’s something of interest for you.

Ya Zafir Altul by Clarissa Bitar
Heaven by Nikitaa
Leave This All Behind by Dixon Dallas
stay by LEADR

Umi by Alewya
Batwanes Beek by Felukah
Wasted Potential by Reinaeiry
Boom by Juana Smoke

Anything for My Man by Haben Godefa
Vom Wert Unserer Herzen by BOAH ROBIN!
Wild West by Bashar Murad