We’re switching it up a little with the graphic novel rec posts now. Anna’s taken care of the previous three, so now it’s my turn to rec you a few things that they haven’t read (yet). If you want to take a look at what they put in those posts, you can see them here: one, two, three. And if you’re interested in what I have to add to that, scroll on!


Brandon Graham & Marian Churchland
Rep: genderqueer mc
Why Should I Read It?
Arclight is a dream-like graphic novel, with gorgeous art and sparse text. Most of what happens you learn through seeing, not reading. It’s the kind of graphic novel where it’s best to just go with the flow and let the story take you where it takes you.

Chef’s Kiss

Jarrett Melendez, Danica Brine, Hank Jones & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Rep: gay mc, gay li
Why Should I Read It?
Next, we do an about-face on genre and head into a romance! Chef’s Kiss only came out recently, but it’s a very sweet new adult graphic novel, about first loves and first jobs, and taking unexpected directions in life. And there’s a very cute pet pig. What more could you want?

Save Yourself!

Bones Leopard, Kelly & Nichole Matthews
Rep: sapphic mc, nonbinary li, Black gay side character, Black nonbinary (genderqueer?) side character
Why Should I Read It?
Okay, so imagine something like, oh, W.I.T.C.H. say, those shows with a group of magical girls, but then imagine that those girls are evil and you might get something like Save Yourself!. It’s a fun and quick read and it will leave you wanting more.

Giant Days

John Allison & Lissa Treiman
Rep: lesbian mc, sapphic li
Why Should I Read It?
First of all, Giant Days is fucking hilarious and that should be reason alone to read it. Secondly, there’s just something about seeing uni-aged characters having fun and, admittedly more often than not, messing up that hits different. Thirdly, please just read it.


Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl & MSASSYK
Rep: sapphic mcs
Why Should I Read It?
I’ve been harping on about this series since it first released in 2018 (it’s, sadly, slow going, but good slow going), and don’t worry I’m not going to stop until I’ve achieved my aim of making you all read it too. That aside, what you have to look forward to here is the more gorgeous art, and a slowburning story of a queen and her lionheart.

Bury the Lede

Gaby Dunn & Claire Roe
Rep: bi mc, bi li, Black lesbian li
Why Should I Read It?
If you want characters who aren’t all that likeable, but who you’re still rooting for, then Bury the Lede is the book for you. We’re talking a ruthless intern journalist who’ll do anything to get the scoop, even if it means sacrificing friendships and relationships. A highly compelling one.

Renegade Rule

Ben Kahn, Rachel Silverstein & Sam Beck
Rep: Black lesbian mc, lesbian mcs, Japanese American bi mc, Black bi side character, Latina lesbian side character, gay side characters
Why Should I Read It?
Girl gamers. That’s it, that’s the book. Girl gamers but also: none of them are straight. Don’t you just love to hear it? And this is, in general, just a very fun and fast-paced graphic novel.


ed. Joamette Gil
Rep: nonbinary cast
Why Should I Read It?
I may be doing you a hardship here by recommending this one, since I’m not sure if it’s still in print or not. But! It’s definitely one you should have your eye out for, trust me. It’s a collection of short comics from a number of creators, all of which have a nonbinary mc.


Shazleen Khan
Rep: Turkish trans gay mc, Kazakh-Mongolian pan mc, Black nonbinary mc, Black gay mc, nonbinary bi mc, Black lesbian mc
Why Should I Read It?
The last two recs on this list are more properly webcomics, I suppose, but. Hear me out. I don’t care. Buuza!! is a slice-of-life comic set in a urban fantasy Middle Eastern land, with a great cast and very sweet relationships too. It’s the kind of one where you catch up, and then you’re left thinking, now what?


Rep: Korean gay mc, Vietnamese bi li, lesbian mc, achillean side characters
CWs: gore, violence, torture
Why Should I Read It?
Listen. Listen. Go out there and search some art from Covenant and tell me that it alone doesn’t convince you to read this. It’s about demon hunters, right? But sexy demon hunters. And not to mention Samson, butch lesbian of my heart.

What would you rec?
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