After spending a few hours battling shoddy internet connectivity, finally, we’re here with another post! Today’s interview is with Adrienne Wilder, author of gay contemporary and speculative fiction. If you’re looking for a new author to get your teeth into, why not try his books? And, of course, read this interview!
Finally, don’t forget to follow him on twitter!

Let’s start at the beginning. How did you first get into writing?
I started writing “books” when I was in high school because I wanted stories I liked to read.

What are your favourite genres to read and write, and are there any genres or tropes you wouldn’t write?
I write gay male characters. All my stories have a strong romantic element. So I adhere to happy-ever-afters. Other than that, all other subgenres are game. For me, I write stories, not a genre. That means my books can be anything from contemporary, fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy, and more.

How do you get inspiration for your books and what’s your writing process? At what point do you let other people read your drafts and who are they?
For me, inspiration is brought on by anything from something I see on the street, a single word, a picture on a wall, music, you name it. It’s less like a process and more like spontaneous combustion.

Which three authors would you say influenced your writing the most?
There’s no way to answer this. There are too many writers, from every flavor of genre, out there I have read. I’ve tried not to write like anyone person rather take something away from each story as a whole.

And for something that is also very important to us & what we put a lot of emphasis on when blogging. What does ownvoices LGBT representation mean to you?
That LGBTQ individuals are people. We do people things. We make people mistakes. We have people dreams.
As a whole (the population), we are not unique. As individuals, we are unique, but in the same way, non-LGBTQ individuals are.
That we are, in fact, just ordinary people.

What’s one piece of advice you would like to give your younger self?
Don’t open those packages of Transformers, My Little Ponies, Voltron, Star Wars, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, or GI Joes, because you’ll be able to buy a house with them one day if you don’t.

Summarise your most recent/next book in up to 5 words and a meme.
A new breed of werewolf.

If (when!) your books were to be made into movies, who would you like to direct them?
I think mine would do better as animation: Fortiche studio (they recently did the League of Legends animated series).

If you could have dinner with one member of the LGBT community, dead or alive, who would it be?
Honestly? No idea.

Which of your characters would you most want to fight a zombie apocalypse with?
That one’s easy. NoX. Who better to fight the dead than the dead.

Is there a famous franchise or simply a movie/TV show you’d like to be able to write for?
Not really.

Do you have any secret non canon ships in your books you wish people would write fics for?
I guess that’s something I don’t think about. That’s more of a reader specialty than mine.

Rec us some great LGBT books you’ve read recently!
Megan Maslow’s Starfig Investigation series. S. J. Himes’ The Beacon Hill Sorcerer series. Haley Turner’s Soulbound series.


Adrienne Wilder (trans-male – he/him) is an author of gay contemporary and speculative fiction and an artist of all things monster. He was born and bred in GA and moved to NC in 2013.
He lives to create new worlds and the people in them. Several of his books have been best sellers both nationally and internationally. While his books have a strong romantic element, some are not traditional romances.
If you’re looking for something different, exciting, and unique, his books are for you.
He creates a lot of artwork for his stories and can be commissioned for book cover art.
Check out Adrienne’s website for updates and how to contact him. His Facebook group is the best place to talk with him and get info. Join his newsletter to see some content early.
Follow on Goodreads | Order his books

Thank you for spotlighting Adrienne 🙂
our pleasure!