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Book Recs: Lesbian Lit

This is a rec list I keep promising and then never coming through on, but finally, finally, I’ve got my act together. If you’ve followed me on twitter, you’ll know I regularly complain about lesbians in (generally YA) lit never using the word lesbian about themselves. I even wrote a whole post about just that.

But I never offered you the books I know that do use the word lesbian (of which, I’m finding, I know depressingly few). So, these are they (with the exception of one, which I had to get Anna to tell me how to rec). If you’re looking for more, there are some in this thread.

Before we start, I just need to make clear how I’m deciding on these books. First and foremost, each book has to feature a lesbian character who claims the word lesbian for themselves. Not someone else calling them a lesbian, not random mentions of lesbianism but the mc never says “I’m a lesbian”. Yes, I’m being a bit strict in cases, but I want to offer you ten books where the mc claims the label in a positive context.

I have also tried to keep only to YA books, but I had to sneak one adult in there to make up numbers.

The Dead and the Dark


Courtney Gould
Rep: lesbian mcs, bi Latino mc, gay mc
CWs: murder, homophobia, homophobic violence, attempted drowning, child death

Why Should I Read It?

Alright, so we’re opening with a book that’s not out for another 4 months, but bear with me! This is perhaps my new favourite YA contemporary(ish) novel. It also so beautifully shows multiple lesbian experiences and it’s probably the first time I’ve read comphet in a book. Basically, it’s perfect.

Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me


Mariko Tamaki & Rosemary Valero-O’Connell
Rep: biracial East Asian lesbian mc, lesbian li, Black mlm side character, mlm side character, sapphic side characters
CWs: homophobia, toxic relationship, adult-minor relationship, abortion

Why Should I Read It?

Firstly, a YA book that uses the term lesbian? Secondly, one that allows lesbians to be messy and imperfect? There’s nothing about the entire premise that doesn’t appeal to me (and, I assume, you too). So, if you’re looking for a graphic novel you can sit and binge, you should definitely look no further than this one.

This is What It Feels Like


Rebecca Barrow
Rep: Black lesbian mc
CWs: past death in a car accident, past alcohol abuse

Why Should I Read It?

I knew this book would be a five-star read for me from the moment I read the lesbian character’s POV and she called herself a lesbian. See, that’s how simple it is to please me as a reader! Of course, then it goes on to wreck you with a story of second chance friendships, so really, it’s the best kind of book.

Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead

Emily R. Austin
Rep: lesbian mc with anxiety & depression, trans(?)/gnc(?) side character with alcohol & painkiller addiction
CWs: ableism, self harm, suicidal ideation

Why Should I Read It?

What to say about this book except it feels like you’re being told a story by one of your friends who gets into the oddest scrapes. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s warm and funny and human and possibly one of my favourite adult contemporaries ever.

A Dark and Hollow Star


Ashley Shuttleworth
Rep: lesbian mc with depression, pan mc, gay mc, bi mc, genderfluid side character

Why Should I Read It?

Read this book for NausicaƤ, sword lesbian of my heart. That’s all I really have to say, apart from the fact that this book cured my YA fantasy slump I just know it. Also it’s just a fun read all round and I’m shocked and disappointed you haven’t all read it yet.

The Henna Wars


Adiba Jaigirdar
Rep: Bangladeshi Bengali Irish lesbian mc, Black Brazilian Irish bi li

Why Should I Read It?

Not only is this book a very sweet romance, but it’s also a book with perhaps some of my favourite familial relationships. Yes, maybe I cried a little bit at the end. Also it’s just lovely to see a book that uses the word lesbian (positively!) quite so often as this one.

The Scapegracers


Hannah Abigail Clarke
Rep: lesbian mc, wlw li, Black sapphic mc, Chinese American bi mc, mlm side characters

Why Should I Read It?

Sideways Pike is a massive lesbian and I think that alone should be reason enough to read this book. If not, well, how’s about this is a weird little book that sucks you in and then you realise you’re absolutely in love with the main characters just as much as they’re in love with each other. If you want the intensity of The Raven Cycle‘s “In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them.”, but they’re all girls (and why would you turn that down), you should read this book.

Summer of Salt


Katrina Leno
Rep: lesbian mc, bi li

Why Should I Read It?

This is a beautifully atmospheric and magical little book. It’s one of those books that you’re so fully absorbed by that you just feel as though you’re there. In fact, I would quite like to be at the beach right now, I don’t know about you. But if you can’t get to the seaside, this book is absolutely your best bet.

Forgive Me If I’ve Told You This Before


Karelia Stetz-Waters
Rep: lesbian mc

Why Should I Read It?

This book is the source of the iconic Lesbianism: the right choice for girls quote and, as such, I find it a personal offence that it’s only got 717 ratings on Goodreads. If you want a book that feels wholly lesbian in a way that you can’t really explain, in outlook and everything, I would highly recommend this one.

Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel


Sara Farizan
Rep: Persian American lesbian mc, gay side character
CWs: forced outing, lesbophobic slurs

Why Should I Read It?

This last book is Anna’s rec, since I found myself struggling for more to add. So, what else to do, but to copy the messages they sent me:

it’s a cute and messy book, like the mc has a crush on a girl who’s an asshole or something and then she falls for a girl she used to know
so it’s a bit complicated and less straightforward which is nice
the writing is great
plus she talks a lot abt finding girls attractive and shit

What would you rec?

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