I feel like every month there are more amazing songs by LGBT artists coming out, and every month my job in choosing ten the most favourite is harder. But hey, someone has to do it. On the plus side, though, no one can stop me from making the whole playlist for the month (available at the end of the psot) 50 songs long.
If you want even more music, check out all my previous monthly posts right here!

Another Story by Andrea di Giovanni (genderqueer artist)
sports by Elah Hale (Black queer artist)
RE(a)D by Dua Saleh & Bas (Sudanese-American queer nonbinary artist)
Black Country Disco by Tom Aspaul (gay artist)
The Fall by Sam Tsui & India Carney (half-Cantonese gay artist)
not safe by BAYLI (Black queer artist)
Do It Again by Elliot Jones (gay artist)
High Tide, Low Tide by Parson James (half-Black gay artist)
Anything by Chester Lockhart (half-Korean queer artists)
Tom by Bilal Hassani (French-Morroccan gay artist)

Did you find any new artists here today?
And if you liked this post, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.

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