Initially, I had not a clue what my second rec list this month would be. Spooky season recs was an obvious one, but after that, I was stuck. But then along came Shri and told me to rec books that fit the king and lionheart trope.
Before we start, though, a quick definition, courtesy of Shri, again:
it’s like hero burdened with the main problem and person who is unconditionally loyal to them and a protector. their rock if you will.
For want of a better example, think Merlin and Arthur from BBC’s Merlin. And since what’s better than a trope, than that same trope made gay, I come bearing recs (sometimes romantic, sometimes not).

The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps

Kai Ashante Wilson
Rep: Black bi mc, Black gay li
Why Should I Read It?
I don’t really know how to describe this book, in all honesty. If you haven’t read one of Kai Ashante Wilson’s novelettes/novellas before, I’m begging you to rectify that ASAP. He has this amazing knack of pulling you into the story so you find yourself fully immersed in the world he’s created and never want to put it down. And the yearning. What is a king and lionheart trope without yearning?


Elizabeth A. Lynn
Rep: gay mc
CWs: internalised homophobia
Why Should I Read It?
This book is honestly the height of the king and lionheart trope. I don’t think I’ve read a single one on this list that is more so. It’s also a book that, when I finished, made me want to fling* it across the room in frustration (the good kind I swear!). Like the feelings it evokes in the last chapter are indescribable.
*I didn’t, since I was reading it on my laptop.

City of Lies

Sam Hawke
Rep: bi mc, lesbian mc
Why Should I Read It?
First, a mini disclaimer: this is a slowburn, not (yet!) canonically romantic king and lionheart trope. But boy does it hit the trope so well. It’s very much about the Yearning, which I am sure we can all relate to. And on top of the king and lionheart, it has an excellent f/f romance in the second book too! (If you’re interested in reading it, right now, I’m running a readathon on twitter in the lead up to book 2. Just saying.)

The Darkest Bloom

P. M. Freestone
Rep: bi mc
Why Should I Read It?
Can I get a hell yeah for UNREQUITED king and lionheart? No? You don’t like angst as much as I do? Well, you’re missing out, truly. What’s more king and lionheart than going on a quest to find the ingredients to an antidote when your king (who you are in love with!) is poisoned? And against orders too!


Tracy Deonn
Rep: bi li, lesbian, gay & nonbinary characters
Why Should I Read It?
There was no way this book wasn’t getting on this list, let’s be real. Arthur/Lancelot/Merlin dynamics are one of the OG king and lionheart dynamics and this book does it so well, with the twist that it also at first is a broken king and lionheart dynamic. Also, the ending of this book is the sexiest ending to a book I’ve read this entire year and I desperately now need book 2.

The Wicker King

K. Ancrum
Rep: bi mc with anorexia, anxiety & depression, bi mc with peduncular hallucinosis, polyamory
CWs: child neglect
Why Should I Read It?
Take the king and lionheart trope, gently gently tip it into codependency*, and you get something like this book. And it is so intense, you won’t be able to put it down. Plus it also fits the best friends to lovers trope (aka the best trope in existence).
*This is pointed out as not being healthy in the book, don’t worry.

These Rebel Waves

Sara Raasch
Rep: gay mc, mlm li
CWs: past child abuse, past torture
Why Should I Read It?
So the king and lionheart-ness of this book doesn’t really become clear until the sequel (all the more reason to read both!) but when I say it’s SO. GOOD. I really mean it. I mean, it has that added angst of said lionheart being willing to do anything to keep their king alive, even if it means the king hates them afterwards.

The Unspoken Name

A. K. Larkwood
Rep: lesbian mc, wlw li, gay mc, bi character
Why Should I Read It?
Unlike the other books on this list, the king and lionheart trope in this isn’t romantic at all. It’s also mixed up with a lot of other potential kings and lionhearts and truly, you might even say it’s about a lionheart discovering a new king. Perhaps.

The Winter Duke

Claire Eliza Bartlett
Rep: lesbian mc and li, bi side character, nonbinary side characters
Why Should I Read It?
Think king and lionheart but if said king and lionheart were forced into a political marriage and neither of them really knows the other beforehand. A slowburning king and lionheart, you might say. The relationship between Ekata and Inkar is what makes this book.

What would you rec?
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I had no idea that was what this trope was called but it’s *chef’s kiss*
Thanks for the recs!!
i hope you enjoy them!
Meaghan @ Hail and Well Read
The king and lionheart trope is absolutely the superior trope, and hats off to you for collecting some great reads with it in one place! Time to go put the Of Monsters and Men song on repeat and get suckered into loving this trope with my whole heart all over again…
i hope you find something you enjoy!!