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Book Recs: Middle Grade

Have you ever picked up a gay middle grade book, in the hopes of something lighter to read in between YA or adult books, and suddenly found yourself bawling over it, because there’s something about MG that just hits and yet is so hopeful?

If you haven’t, you’re missing out.

So, in the interests of helping you not miss out any more, I have compiled a rec list of MG books for you to cry over*.

*Disclaimer: you might not actually cry. I don’t know.

Because I haven’t read huge amounts of LGBT MG myself, here you’ll find 6 books I’d rec, and 4 upcoming releases I can’t wait to read.



King and the Dragonflies


Kacen Callender
Rep: Black gay mc, gay side character

Why Should I Read It?

Of course I had to start this rec list with what is one of my favourite books, let alone one of my favourite MG books. King and the Dragonflies is a book that I was reading like “this is good, this is great, oh wait now I’m crying”. If you read any book on this list, I would beg that it’s this one.

Murder Most Unladylike


Robin Stevens
Rep: lesbian mc

Why Should I Read It?

In a shift away from Books That Make You Cry (although I cannot fully guarantee it won’t), my next rec is a mystery series, featuring a lesbian mc. I actually bought the first book of this series for my cousin and ended up reading it myself (please don’t tell) and it was great fun. If you’re looking for a slightly darker mystery story, this one’s for you.

Goldie Vance


Lilliam Rivera
Rep: Black sapphic mc, sapphic li

Why Should I Read It?

If murder mysteries don’t float your boat, my next rec is the MG adaptation of the Goldie Vance comics (sequel coming early 2021!!), in which Goldie has to solve the disappearance of a priceless setpiece. And, for fans of the comics, the little easter egg at the end (or hint of more to come, depending on how you look at it) is excellent.

The Pandava Quartet


Roshani Chokshi
Rep: Indian American bi character

Why Should I Read It?

Granted, the bi character is only introduced in book 2 of this series, but since I’m always looking for an excuse to rec Roshani Chokshi’s work, I figured it counted. If you haven’t read any of her books (a fact I am heavily side-eyeing you for, I hope you know), then this is a great place to start. It’s about the sisterhood of it all!

In the Role of Brie Hutchens…


Nicole Melleby
Rep: sapphic mc, sapphic li

Why Should I Read It?

Okay, we’re back to the Tear-Inducing Recs now. This is one of those books where you just want to give a big old hug to the main character. It has such nuance and sensitivity in how it treats everything around Brie that, by the end, it feels like it’s giving you a big hug instead.

Hurricane Child


Kacen Callender
Rep: Black sapphic mc, Black sapphic li

Why Should I Read It?

Back to Callender for the last of my recs, because obviously I couldn’t do a middle grade rec list without all of their middle grade books. Hurricane Child is a lovely story of a girl dealing with her mother’s departure, uncertain of how to interact with her father (just as he is with her), and realising she likes a girl for the first time. And, yes, it’ll make you cry.


Obie is Man Enough

Schuyler Bailar
Rep: Korean American trans mc

Why Should I Be Excited?

How do I describe just how excited I am for this book? Firstly, sports fiction is great and I love it. Secondly, when that sports fiction isn’t just cishet? It immediately becomes immeasurably better (like most other concepts). So obviously this book is going to be a massive win.

In the Key of Us

Mariama J. Lockington
Rep: Black sapphic mcs

Why Should I Be Excited?

The question isn’t “why should I be excited?”, it’s “why am I not already excited?”. Black sapphic girls falling in love at band camp—what’s not to love about that premise?

Pepper’s Guide to Secret Sleuthing


Briana McDonald
Rep: sapphic mc

Why Should I Be Excited?

Yes, it comes out tomorrow, yes, that still counts as upcoming. And if you know me, you know I love mystery stories, so obviously I was always going to be so stoked about this.

Thanks a Lot, Universe


Chad Lucas
Rep: Black gay mc

Why Should I Be Excited?

Just by the synopsis of this one, I can tell it’s going to rip my heart to shreds, and I’ll be thanking it as it does so. Everything about it screams family and there’s nothing that hurts (in a great way!) like family in books does. Also, to add to the pull, it has such a gorgeous cover (not that I am shallow like that but…).

What would you rec?

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