April 26th is the International Lesbian Visibility Day! And what’s a better way to celebrate that than having a lesbian talk about other lesbians? (Possibly getting said lesbian a girlfriend but shh…)
I was actually talking with Charlotte about what we should post for this occasion and at first we just wanted to go with books with lesbian protags. But then we realised… As many sapphic books as we’re getting lately, still not a lot of them uses the word “lesbian” on page. And I’m not gonna lie, I would really love for us to finally get over that and stop treating lesbian as a dirty word or whatever is happening here.
But yes, this is why y’all are getting a rec list of books written by lesbians. We gotta stick together, right? I’m also changing the format of our rec lists for this one, because I want to highlight authors more than anything else. I’ll be putting one book per a lesbian here, but that’s not to say I think it’s the only one you should read!


π Audre Lorde (The Black Unicorn)
π Pat Parker (Movement in Black)
π Adrienne Rich* (Diving Into the Wreck)
π Chrystos (Not Vanishing)
π Mary Oliver (Dream Work)

π Jewelle L. GΓ³mez (Oral Tradition)
π Irena Klepfisz (A Few Words In the Mother Tongue)
π Donika Kelly (Bestiary)
π Gloria E. AnzaldΓΊa (Borderlands/La Frontera)
π Carol Ann Duffy (Rapture)


π Sarah Waters (Tipping the Velvet)
π Sheryn Munir (Falling into Place)
π Meredith Russo** (If I Was Your Girl)
π Hannah Moskowitz (Teeth)
π Sara Farizan (Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel)

π K.A. Moore (The Perfect Assassin)
π Jacqueline Woodson (Another Brooklyn)
π Brynne Rebele-Henry (Orpheus Girl)
π Nicola Griffith (Hild)
π Benjanun Sriduangkaew (Winterglass)

π Shamim Sarif (The World Unseen)
π Nancy Garden (Annie On My Mind)
π Malinda Lo (Ash)
π V.E. Schwab (Vicious)
π Karelia Stetz-Waters (Forgive Me If I’ve Told You This Before)

π Jeanette Winterson (The Passion)
π Mariko Tamaki (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me)
π Liz Jacobs (Abroad)
π Sophie Cameron (Out of the Blue)
π Emma Donoghue (The Wonder)

π Emily M. Danforth (The Miseducation of Cameron Post)
π T Kira Madden (Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls)
π Mia McKenzie (The Summer We Got Free)
π Tillie Walden (Spinning)
π Natasha Alterici (Heathen)

π Tanya Huff (The Fire’s Stone)
π Siera Maley (Colorblind)
π Qiu Miaojin (Notes of a Crocodile)
π Lee Winter (Shattered)
π Anna Burke (Compass Rose)

π Alice Walker (The Color Purple)
π Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes a Breath)
π Becky Chambers (The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet)
π Nicole Dennis-Benn (Patsy)
π Kirsty Logan (The Gloaming)

Historical Writers
(born up to early XX century)

π Narcyza Ε»michowska (The Heathen)
π Nobuko Yoshiya (Yellow Rose)
π Lorraine Hansberry (A Raisin in the Sun)
π Mary Renault (Fire from Heaven)
π RenΓ©e Vivien (A Woman Appeared to Me)

π Radclyffe Hall (The Well of Loneliness)
π Lucie Delarue-Mardrus (The Angel and the Perverts)
π Natalie Clifford Barney (A Perilous Advantage)
π Vernon Lee (Hauntings and Other Fantastic Tales)
π Mai-mai Sze (Silent Children)

*Please note that Adrienne Rich was a TERF.
**Please note that Meredith Russo’s partner detailed experiences of abuse by Russo.

This list is obviously in no way comprehensive. I didn’t want it to be. Rather, I wanted this to be a jumping point for you guys to start reading more by lesbians. Some pointers, so it would be easier for you to find other books by yourselves. I hope I succeeded.
And if you enjoyed this post, please consider supporting me onΒ ko-fi.

slkjf this list means so much to me, it’s so beautiful & I was near tears, especially when I learned, from this list, that my favorite poet Mary Oliver!!!! is a lesbian!!!! MY HEART SOARED. can she become any greater at this point she’s just, i love her more than ever <3
also so happy to see SARAH WATERS on this list, Fingersmith is one of my favorite books of all time. I got through the first 15% of Tipping The Velvet but Nan kept dropping sneaky hints that maybe this love story might not be forever, and i just can't do it, i'm an emotional wreck and i need them to be deeply in love for all time
im so glad omg!! it was a really great experience for me too, putting this together!
god i know, i love mary oliver so much, she truly was the best we ever got………………….
ofc i had to put lesbian writer queen on this list haha!! it wouldn’t be real without her. also yeah, a lot happens in tipping the velvet and not all of it is pretty, but there’s a btfl happy ending!
Nao @naonotrealname
THIS. THIS LIST. Thank you so much for your hard work in compiling all these and making a list of it! I love that there’re poetry works too. Thank you again <3
i’m glad my hard work paid off!! :>>> hopefully u will find some new favourite books here.
honestly, i was gonna do a post JUST about lesbian poets but was convinced that more is always better, so here we are :>
– anna